Wednesday, September 4, 2013

スピッツ - スパイダー

スピッツ - スパイダー

Link to youtube video

可愛い君が好きなもの ちょっと老いぼれてるピアノ
A cutie like you likes a worn out piano.

老いぼれる(おいぼれる)- to become decrepit, worn out or senile

さびしい僕は地下室の すみっこでうずくまるスパイダー
Lonely me,  a spider that crouches in the corner of the cellar

地下室(ちかしつ)- cellar, basement
隅っこ(すみっこ)- corner, nook
うずくまる - to crouch, squat, cower

洗いたてのブラウスが今 筋書き通りに汚されて行く
The freshly washed bloused is now, according to the plot, being stained.

洗い立て(あらいたて)- freshly washed
筋書き(すじがき)- plot, synopsis, outline
通り(とおり)- in according with, following

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

奪う(うばう)- to snatch away, to steal

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

飛び越える(とびこえる)- to jump over, to clear

可愛い君をつかまえた とっておきの嘘ふりまいて
Scatter this special falsehood that I captured you cutie

取って置き(とっておき)- valued, the best, something set aside
振りまく(ふりまく)- to scatter

さびしい僕に火をつけてしらんぷり ハート型のライター
A heart-shaped lighter that pretends not to notice lighting a fire in lonely me

しらんぷり - pretending to not know

If we speed up on this golden hill road we can never again return.

黄金色(こがねいろ)- gold color
坂道(さかみち)- hill road
加速する(かそくする)- to speed up, accelerate
二度と(にどと)- never again (with a negative verb)

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh…
Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh…

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

力尽きたときは そのときで笑いとばしてよ
And when we are exhausted laugh at it

力尽きる(ちからつきる)- to use up all of one's strength
笑い飛ばす(わらいとばす)- to laugh at

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights