Wednesday, September 4, 2013

スピッツ - スパイダー

スピッツ - スパイダー

Link to youtube video

可愛い君が好きなもの ちょっと老いぼれてるピアノ
A cutie like you likes a worn out piano.

老いぼれる(おいぼれる)- to become decrepit, worn out or senile

さびしい僕は地下室の すみっこでうずくまるスパイダー
Lonely me,  a spider that crouches in the corner of the cellar

地下室(ちかしつ)- cellar, basement
隅っこ(すみっこ)- corner, nook
うずくまる - to crouch, squat, cower

洗いたてのブラウスが今 筋書き通りに汚されて行く
The freshly washed bloused is now, according to the plot, being stained.

洗い立て(あらいたて)- freshly washed
筋書き(すじがき)- plot, synopsis, outline
通り(とおり)- in according with, following

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

奪う(うばう)- to snatch away, to steal

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

飛び越える(とびこえる)- to jump over, to clear

可愛い君をつかまえた とっておきの嘘ふりまいて
Scatter this special falsehood that I captured you cutie

取って置き(とっておき)- valued, the best, something set aside
振りまく(ふりまく)- to scatter

さびしい僕に火をつけてしらんぷり ハート型のライター
A heart-shaped lighter that pretends not to notice lighting a fire in lonely me

しらんぷり - pretending to not know

If we speed up on this golden hill road we can never again return.

黄金色(こがねいろ)- gold color
坂道(さかみち)- hill road
加速する(かそくする)- to speed up, accelerate
二度と(にどと)- never again (with a negative verb)

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh…
Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh… Oh…

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

力尽きたときは そのときで笑いとばしてよ
And when we are exhausted laugh at it

力尽きる(ちからつきる)- to use up all of one's strength
笑い飛ばす(わらいとばす)- to laugh at

So I will snatch you up and flee with you further away

ラララ 千の夜を飛び越えて走り続ける
And continue to run and jump over a thousand nights

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

スピツ - ロビンソン

Link to youtube video

新しい季節は なぜかせつない日々で
This new season, for some reason the days are painful?

なぜか - somehow, for some resaon
切ない(せつない)- painful, heartrending, miserable
かせつない日々 (かせつないひび)- painful days

河原の道を自転車で 走る君を追いかけた
I ran after you while you rode your bike along the road by the river bed

河原 (かわら)- dry river bed, river beach
追いかける (おいかける)- to chase or run after

思い出のレコードと 大げさなエピソードを
a record of a memory and an exaggerated episode

大げさ(おおげさ)- exaggerated

疲れた肩にぶらさげて しかめつら まぶしそうに
I hung them on your tired shoulders, your frown, it seemed dazzling

ぶら下げる (ぶらさげる)- to hang, suspend, dangle, carry
しかめつら - frown, scowl, grimace

同じセリフ 同じ時 思わず口にするようなありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ
With this mundane magic that came about when we spoke the same words at the same time, we created it (a world).

せりふ - words, speach, lines
思わず(おもわず)- unintentionally
口にする(くちにする)- to taste, eat; to speak of or refer to
有り触れる(ありふれる)- to be common (past tense: mundane, commonplace)
作り上げる(つくりあげる)- to make up, build up, construct

誰も触われない 二人だけの国 君の手を離さぬように
A world with only two that no one can touch, so I won't let go of your hand

離す(はなす)- to separate, part, divide

大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の風に乗る
If, by some great power, we float in the sky, oh la la, we will ride the cosmic winds

浮かべる(うかべる)- to float

片隅に捨てられて 呼吸をやめない猫も
even a cat tossed into a corner who will not stop breathing

片隅(かたすみ)- corner, nook
呼吸(こきゅう)- breath

どこか似ている 抱き上げて 無理やりに頬よせるよ
resembles you a little, I pick her up and force her against my cheek

どこか - somewhere, anywhere, in some respects
無理やり(むりやり)- forcibly, against one's will
頬(ほほ)- cheek
寄せる(よせる)- to bring near, to bring together, to collect

いつもの交差点で 見上げた丸い窓は
The round window that I look up at at the usual intersection

交差点(こうさてん)- crossing, intersection
いつもの - usual

うす汚れてる ぎりぎりの 三日月も僕を見てた
was a little dirty, the new moon that was barely visible looked back at me

ぎりぎり - just barely, at the last moment
三日月(みかづき)- new moon, crescent moon

待ちぶせた夢のほとり 驚いた君の瞳
on the banks of the dream where I ambushed you, your eyes were full of surprise

待ち伏せる(まちぶせる)- to ambush
ほとり - nearby, in the vicinity
驚く(おどろく)- to be surprised or astonished
瞳(ひとみ)- pupil (eye)

そして僕ら今ここで 生まれ変わるよ
And here at this place we will be born again

生まれ変わる(うまれかわる)- to be born again, to make a fresh start

誰も触われない 二人だけの国 終わらない歌ばらまいて
A world with only two that no one can touch, we will spread this song that will not end

ばら撒く(ばらまく)- to scatter, broadcast, disseminate, spread

大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の風に乗る
If, by some great power, we float in the sky, oh la la, we will ride the cosmic winds

大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の風に乗る
If, by some great power, we float in the sky, oh la la, we will ride the cosmic winds

ルララ 宇宙の風に乗る
Oh la la, we will ride the cosmic winds

Monday, August 5, 2013


Link to youtube video

I came with tired legs on a muddy road

重い足 - tired legs
ぬかるむ - to be muddy, slushy

I pushed my way through thorny bushes

トゲ - thorn(s), spine(s), splinter(s)
藪 (やぶ) - bush, shrub, grove
かき分ける - to push one's way through

I ate everything that can be eaten

When I struggled through the long tunnel

くぐり抜ける(くぐりぬける) - to struggle through, to escape

It was wrapped in colors that I was not familiar with

見慣れる (みなれる)- to become used to seeing, to be familiar with

In fact, it is still starting to begin

Such things as "however is good"

It became dirty with that kind of talk

心 今放て
Release my heart now!

放つ(はなつ) - to free, release

春の歌 愛と希望より前に響く
The spring song, it resounds ahead of my love and desire

希望(きぼう) - wish, hope, desire
響く(ひびく) - to resound, to be heard far away
前に(まえに) - ahead, before, ago

Can you hear it?  It is reflected in the night sky, even for you

映る(うつる) - to be reflected

Something that was quite impossible with your calm face

平気(へいき) - coolness, calmness, composure
かなり - considerably, fairly, quite

Something I smiled eagerly at even though I want to scream

叫ぶ(さけぶ) - to shout, cry, scream, shriek
懸命(けんめい) - eagerness, earnestness
微笑む(ほほえむ)- to smile

It is being exposed by the morning light

さらす - to expose

忘れかけた 本当は忘れたくない
I don't want to forget the truth that I started to forget

忘れかける(わすれかける) - to start forgetting

I will follow your name

なぞる - to trace, follow

春の歌 愛も希望もつくりはじめる
The spring song, it will begin making both your love and desires

つくり - making, producing, manufacturing

遮るな 何処までも続くこの道を
Don't stop me, down this road no matter where it goes

遮る(さえぎる) - to interrupt, obstruct, block
何処までも (どこまでも) - anywhere

歩いていくよ サルのままで一人
I will continue walking alone like an idiot

幻じゃなく 歩いていく
I will walk on like it is not a dream

幻(まぼろし) - vision, illusion, dream

春の歌 愛と希望より前に響く
The spring song,  it resounds ahead of my love and desire

Can you hear it?  It is reflected in the night sky for you

春の歌 愛も希望もつくりはじめる
The spring song, it will begin making both your love and desires

遮るな 何処までも続くこの道を
Don't stop me, down this road no matter where it goes