Link to youtube video
I came with tired legs on a muddy road
重い足 - tired legs
ぬかるむ - to be muddy, slushy
I pushed my way through thorny bushes
トゲ - thorn(s), spine(s), splinter(s)
藪 (やぶ) - bush, shrub, grove
かき分ける - to push one's way through
I ate everything that can be eaten
When I struggled through the long tunnel
くぐり抜ける(くぐりぬける) - to struggle through, to escape
It was wrapped in colors that I was not familiar with
見慣れる (みなれる)- to become used to seeing, to be familiar with
In fact, it is still starting to begin
Such things as "however is good"
It became dirty with that kind of talk
心 今放て
Release my heart now!
放つ(はなつ) - to free, release
春の歌 愛と希望より前に響く
The spring song, it resounds ahead of my love and desire
希望(きぼう) - wish, hope, desire
響く(ひびく) - to resound, to be heard far away
前に(まえに) - ahead, before, ago
Can you hear it? It is reflected in the night sky, even for you
映る(うつる) - to be reflected
Something that was quite impossible with your calm face
平気(へいき) - coolness, calmness, composure
かなり - considerably, fairly, quite
Something I smiled eagerly at even though I want to scream
叫ぶ(さけぶ) - to shout, cry, scream, shriek
懸命(けんめい) - eagerness, earnestness
微笑む(ほほえむ)- to smile
It is being exposed by the morning light
さらす - to expose
忘れかけた 本当は忘れたくない
I don't want to forget the truth that I started to forget
忘れかける(わすれかける) - to start forgetting
I will follow your name
なぞる - to trace, follow
春の歌 愛も希望もつくりはじめる
The spring song, it will begin making both your love and desires
つくり - making, producing, manufacturing
遮るな 何処までも続くこの道を
Don't stop me, down this road no matter where it goes
遮る(さえぎる) - to interrupt, obstruct, block
何処までも (どこまでも) - anywhere
歩いていくよ サルのままで一人
I will continue walking alone like an idiot
幻じゃなく 歩いていく
I will walk on like it is not a dream
幻(まぼろし) - vision, illusion, dream
春の歌 愛と希望より前に響く
The spring song, it resounds ahead of my love and desire
Can you hear it? It is reflected in the night sky for you
春の歌 愛も希望もつくりはじめる
The spring song, it will begin making both your love and desires
遮るな 何処までも続くこの道を
Don't stop me, down this road no matter where it goes
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